Leave the Leaves, Save the Stems

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 -
6:00pm to 7:00pm
Fallen leaves, decaying logs, and dead-headed flowers nurture overwintering birds, pollinators, fireflies, turtles, and other wildlife. But . . . it's all so messy! How can we manage the practical and aesthetic concerns that arise when we keep autumn materials on home or community properties?
Learn how I experimented for several years with these ideas in my own yard. I'll share what I learned about careful plant selection, plant care, timing, and the role of design in the winter landscape. We'll also discuss the life-giving importance of winter habitat for insects, birds, and other wildlife.
An extensive reference document accompanies this talk. 
Sponsored by the Stamford CT Pollinator Pathway. Location: Mill River Park Whittingham Discovery Center. Free and open to the public. 
Learn more at Stamford Pollinator Pathway. Registration to be announced. 
Stamford, CT