How much do you think global warming will harm plant and animal species?
A representative sample of Americans responded to that question in a 2022 survey. A whopping 70% said “a great deal” (52%) or “moderately” (18%). Only 11% responded that global warming will not harm plants and animals in any way.
More intriguing, respondents ranked this concern higher than seven other categories, including considerations for oneself, one’s family, community, developing countries, the world’s poor, and future generations.
This data is part of a December 2022 report, “Climate Change in the American Mind: Beliefs & Attitudes,” by the Yale Center for Climate Change Communications. (See climatecommunication.yale.edu/.)
If you are among the 70%, and you want to do something, please see my latest article at Zip06/TheDay. It offers the details on seven ways to take small actions at home that can make a big difference for small creatures:
1. Plant for birds, butterflies, bees, and other insects.
2. Turn down outdoor lights at night.
3. Remove invasive plants, even if they are pretty.
4. Build outdoor enclosures for pet cats.
5. Avoid rodenticides, insecticides, and herbicides.
6. Mow less.
7. Leave some leaves, sticks, and stalks. Even a tiny patch of yard debris makes a difference.
For the complete article and the detailed advice it offers, please visit Zip06/TheDay.