Leave the Leaves, Save the Stems: Create Wildlife-Friendly Landscapes That Please People, Too

Saturday, November 18, 2023 -
10:00am to 11:00am
Fallen leaves, decaying logs, and dead-headed flowers nurture overwintering birds, pollinators, fireflies, turtles, and other wildlife. But . . . it's all so messy! How can we manage the practical and aesthetic concerns that arise when we keep autumn materials on home or community properties?
This talk explores how careful plant selection, plant care, timing, and good landscape design can help keep properties attractive in winter. At the same time, we discuss how to offer habitat for insects, birds, and other wildlife.
An extensive reference document also accompanies this talk. 
This talk follows the annual meeting of the Connecticut Master Gardener Association. Members attend free of charge. Non-members: $10.



Webinar, Connecticut Master Gardener Association