What is a meadow? Is it a lawn gone feral? Is it a perennial garden gone wild? Or is it something else altogether? More importantly, is a meadow right for your setting?
I come to this topic with 20 years of personal experience as the caretaker of a meadow on my property. I also assist customers as they start new meadow gardens or improve existing meadow areas.
Note: This seminar can be presented in formats ranging from one hour to six hours. I will customize it for your group and time requirements.
No one can grow an instant meadow, but you can quickly increase your understanding of what it takes to create and maintain one. In this seminar, we explore the definition of a meadow, and how it differs from other “no-mow” and “low-mow” approaches to the landscape. An extensive plant and resource list is included with the presentation.
Depending on the length of the presentation, topics may include:
- What makes a good meadow site?
- Site preparation
- The roles and relationships of grasses and flowering perennials
- How to select plant species
- The best uses of seeds and landscape plugs
- How to plant
- Seasonal issues
- What to expect from your meadow in years one, two, and three.
- How to manage expectations and reactions from the surrounding community.
See the four-minute video, "My Accidental Meadow."