Cancelled, please check back: Grow a Meadow, Large or Small

Wednesday, April 8, 2020 -
12:30pm to 1:30pm
What is a meadow? Is it a lawn gone feral? Is it a perennial garden gone wild? Or is it
something else altogether?
In this one-hour program, we explore the definition of a meadow, and how
it differs from other ground covers and “low-mow” approaches to the landscape. We’ll look
at ways to get started and what it takes to create a successful meadow. An extensive plant
and resource list is included with the presentation. Whether you have a meadow, or are
thinking about starting your own meadow, or simply enjoy the beauty of a meadow, you are sure to enjoy this presentation.
Sponsor: Easton Garden Club
Location: Easton Public Library, 691 Morehouse Road, Easton, CT, in the library meeting room. 
Contact: Susan Slagle, 203-220-9279
Easton, CT