Groundcovers and Low-Mow Lawns

Saturday, August 17, 2019 -
10:30am to 12:30pm

Learn about five ways to cover ground and put the lawnmower away. Let’s look at ways to cover every inch of ground with durable groundcovers. Options include low-growing flowering perennials, native ornamental grasses, sedum, ferns, moss, and more. We'll take an especially close look at low-mow lawns. What are they? How are they different from conventional lawns?

We'll also "look under the hood" at the roles of soil, water, and site selection in successful ground-covering strategies. Finally, we’ll talk about the ways land care and maintenance regimes change when we opt for a post-lawn landscape.

Extensive plant and resource lists included.

Sponsored by Tower Hill Botanical Garden, 11 French Drive, Boyston, MA, 508-869-6111. 



Tower Hill Botanical Garden, Boylston, MA