Groundcovers: 5 Ways to Cover Ground and Give the Lawnmower a Rest

Monday, April 24, 2017 -
7:00pm to 8:00pm

Learn how to use a surprising variety of groundcovers to enhance the home and community landscape. Sponsored by the Colchester Garden Club at the Colchester (CT) Library, 8 Linwood Avenue. 


Grassy lawns are the single most popular ground cover, but they are not always the best cover for a location or the easiest to maintain. Many people are interested in reducing or eliminating lawns--but wonder how to cover ground where lawns formerly grew?

We'll review strategies for covering ground, including low-growing, durable groundcovers such as sedum and moss, low-work-and-water lawn mixes, and flowering perennials. We'll also discuss the ecological importance of groundcovers.They are great landscape problem-solvers, from erosion control to wildlife protection and reduction of mowing. 


Colchester Public Library, Colchester, CT